
Street version 1.0 - by toob

I finished my map today and i thought it would be a cool idea to upload it. The map has a gunshop, and some houses. Some pics on the sites here:

    Have Fun

    Download: bbstreet.rar - 84 KB.

  • Comments:

    Posted by shadow on 2005-05-14 23:09
    how in gods name do u use rar maps?

    Posted by Skullky on 2005-05-15 00:16
    You use WinRAR to unzip the archive dumbsh*t.

    Posted by Eihwaz on 2005-06-12 00:24
    Looks awesome, dude. I'll be downloading this right away.

    Posted by Jimmy on 2005-06-26 10:16
    Its ok therez a lot of texture issues and grunts on the roof dont shoot

    Posted by THE DOOMED on 2005-06-30 06:57
    how do you make maps? tell me and ill make 1 called bb_apartmentofhell
    tell me please

    Posted by POO ASS on 2005-07-04 05:47
    read the FGD and print it

    Posted by UBCS_Shadow on 2005-07-12 04:12
    U make maps with Vlve hammer editor dude n u need expierenc eu can just make amaps claled bb_apartmnt of hell easily u need like a year of expirience.

    Posted by UBCS_Shadow on 2005-07-12 04:12
    Valve Hammer Editor**

    Posted by THE DOOMED on 2005-07-23 07:06
    ok ok not push just wanted to know never seen that part of map editor

    Posted by weeeee on 2005-07-28 18:09
    but you also have to d/l the file from this site that gives you all the textures and plug ins you need

    Posted by Neiko on 2006-02-27 14:02
    It's a good map and a good idea, but it gets a little laggy later in the map.

    Posted by checker on 2006-04-01 12:20
    this is the best

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