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IronOak studios forums > General Discussion > Player respawn as server-side option

Posted by: Tophet September 08, 2004 12:52 am
How come Public Enemy doesn't have a respawn feature to allow servers to let players respawn after a delay (also set by the server)? This way PE maps can be played TFC style rather than CS style for those server admins who choose the option. With player respawn, the ONLY way for a team to win is to complete its objectives (or prevent the other team from achieving theirs) within the time-limit. I'm not suggesting you change the game, but merely add this as a server-side option. Noob players (such as myself) can then be fragged endlessly and still be able to explore the map while in a real game (minus the time-penalty between respawns). In addition, if you change player options, the game may start without you and then you have to wait a few minutes (potentially) for the game to end. Unless the game is set to start after 60 seconds regardless, a "Ready" button feature wont work so well because someone may get diarrhea but forget to disconnect from the server and players would be waiting forever to start a game (not good) whenever the map changed. I really want to respawn in this game.

Also, can you get Dennis Grell to supply an abridged version of his "No Way Out" song? It is wicked cool, but it is a shame that it is two minutes longer than the PE map times (meaning you will never hear it in its entirety in the Cottage map it goes with). It needs to be shortened to four minutes or less (preferably at the 224 kb/sec MP3 quality that Ed Hargrave's songs are at so it sounds freaking awesome). Also, I fail to see where the Ed Hargrave song "Life support" shows up in any of the current PE maps. It is really cool and before I downloaded v1.4, thought Cottage would use it.

Glow is a neat feature, particularly for the weather and particle effects, but it makes the light seem hazy, like wearing glasses haven't been cleaned in weeks. This isn't so bad if Glow is set to one. I prefer to have it off myself, but I do think the default Glow setting should be lowered from two to one.

These suggestions may be a little late for Public Enemy v1.4 though.

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