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IronOak studios forums > Clans, Servers, Fanpages, Support > Dark Tyrants Empre

Posted by: DaRK oMeN XIII May 05, 2003 08:14 pm
Hiyas guys and girls,

I want you all to tell something about our clan DTE [Dark tyrants empire]
We are a multinational multigaming clan (urgh..) We are almsot 4 years old and have a members base off around 20-25. Now I discussed this mod with my members and they seem to like it a lot. Including me. Now we have a reputation on the existence mod and we are the best clan there if i may say so myself with the best players around. Not only point wise, but also social wise. We tried to get the best out of that mod and want to do the same with PE. We are probably going to start recruiting next week. We have a trial period for each new recruit of 4 weeks. During those 4 weeks you will get a mentor that will show you around the clan. We have strict rules but thats needed if you want to uphold a clan of this caliber.

If this all sounds like good times for you then go visit our site at and read our rules and join us in our irc channel so we can play a bit with you !


Posted by: Rymdkejsaren May 06, 2003 11:04 am
Put this in the english forums Omen! And spell our clan name right in the topic! blink.gif

Other than that I'd also like to mention that we will have a US and an EU division for Public Enemy, so all members are welcome!

Posted by: DaRK oMeN XIII May 06, 2003 09:30 pm
ARGHHHH @ split up forums !!!!

Posted by: -=T34M=-[AK]Assasin June 23, 2003 03:21 pm
We'll see which one is the best Clan.
Visit -=T34M=-[AK]Fragparadies
(Our server! smile.gif)

Posted by: -=T34M=-[AK]DaDuke August 28, 2003 03:11 pm
u can rtry but killing us is hard [ normally if 3 of us are on a server we play vs all with berettas (and win smile.gif ) ]

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