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IronOak studios forums > Clans, Servers, Fanpages, Support > Server Settings, Server.cfg

Posted by: darkman March 01, 2005 05:02 pm
got the ansers in other forum thanx for all the help game on cool.gif

Posted by: (4THIDUSA) SSG H. March 01, 2005 06:12 pm
// Server config of Custom Game Source
// Use this file to configure your DEDICATED server.
// This config file is executed everytime the server changes levels.

// Default for BrainBread
maxplayers 12

// disable autoaim
sv_aim 0

// no lan server, chane this to 1 for your lan set up
sv_lan 0

// disable clients' ability to pause the server
pausable 0

// default server name. Change to your name
hostname " FF + Difficulty"

// maximum client movement speed (1000 for BB)
sv_maxspeed 1000

sv_cheats 0

// Turn off friendlyfire
mp_friendlyfire 1
// Flashlight, on 1, off 0
mp_flashlight 1
// Teamplay doesnt really seem to work
mp_teamplay 11
// Set to make a certain number of frags end the round
mp_fraglimit 0
// Set how long to play the map, doesnt affect the 15:00 minute timer on screen
mp_timelimit 30

// Enable map and variable voting, dont use varvote, crashes server ( gravity etc..)
sv_mapvote 1
sv_varvote 0

// Set round timing behaviour
sv_roundtimelimit 1000
sv_rounddelay 8

// Experience settings, expperlevel lowered due to increased difficulty
sv_expperlevel 75
sv_exppotence 2
// level = ( exp / sv_expperlevel ) ^ sv_exppotence
// sv_expperlevel 2500 and sv_exppotence 1 would need approx. the same amount
// of exp for level 23 but every level requires the same amount of exp

// max level
sv_maxlevel 1000
// Save exp for 24h. (0 = don't save exp, -1 = save exp forever, X = save exp for X hours)
sv_savexp -1

// Difficulty affects respawn times, HP, damage, speed. 1 = 100%
sv_difficulty 1.15

// Save exp info in this file (/brainbread/<file>) can rename to anything
//firehouse.lvl etc...
sv_playerinfofile "players.lvl"

// Global max amount of gibs/zombies. Values too high produce ED_Alloc error
// leave gib at 0, causes to much extra rendering and leads to crashing
sv_gibcount 0
sv_zombiecount 55

// Gameover conditions (0 = unlimited)
mp_teamscorelimit 0
mp_fraglimit 0

// load ban files, if you have any, otherwise ignore the warning, could delete this as you plan on lan only in the firehouse

exec listip.cfg
exec banned.cfg

// allowdownload means if they dont have the map the server will send it to them if you have a resource file for that map, upload is their custom spray downloadurl is the location of a website to download the map files from

sv_allowdownload 1
sv_allowupload 1
sv_downloadurl "USE YOUR OWN"

// log on means to log what goes on in the server, creates a folder called logs
log on

// No RCON password by default, means remote console, the ability to drop down the console and kick ban people etc..say your password is firehouse, you type rcon_password firehouse, then you can type rcon_kick or rcon_ban "jackass player" etc..

rcon_password "your password here"

// say you only want 6 slots to show up in the list, but have 12, change the number to 6 and only 6 slots show up, but you really have 12
sv_visiblemaxplayers 12

// number of failures needed before ban
sv_rcon_minfailures 2

// amount of time (seconds) failed rcon attempts must occur within for the ban to be applied
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 600

// minutes to ban. 300 = 5 hours.
sv_rcon_banpenalty 300

// similar to sv_rcon_minfailures, Any IP that fails 3 rcon authentications
sv_rcon_maxfailures 3

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