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IronOak studios forums > General Discussion > Do/Did you play brainbread properly?

Posted by: Zombie_hamster July 06, 2009 09:56 pm
Now the zombie player mechanic causes a lot of BB frustration for some. Many a time when I have become a zombie I get people moaning at me to kill marines. I think that's a pretty silly idea, to be honest. Where's the fun in that? I mean, it seems to me that all that some people want out of brainbread is to line up all the AI zombies in a spot where it is impossible to reach them and just shoot them all day, without even caring for objectives. there's no fun in that, is there? there's no fun in being unbeatable. You need players to make it a challenge! It certainly shouldn't be a bannable offense, as this is something some have threatened me with. Of course, I try not to be a dickhead and spawnkill or kill someone close to getting the objective. I don't have any objection when the mapper chooses to make it so player zombies spawn in a marine room- some maps are just better that way. I just think other times that the player zombie mechanic is there for a reason other than killing useless npcs.

Posted by: Security Corporate July 07, 2009 12:25 am
Hehe, fuck them. Just attack them anyway. Don't be afraid to spawn kill them either. That's what I do. It's a fast way to teach them to stop being lame.

Posted by: Chairman Wesker July 07, 2009 12:50 am
Yea I agree here.
There is too many people complaining about Human Zombies killing players and not marines.
Let's face it folks not only is it more fun to chase after a moving target and hunt them down it takes 1 human to respawn human, and 2 grunts to respawn human, plus grunt don't flee screaming for their lives when you chase them.
I'm a very unbiased zombies I'll eat human and npc brains alike...
But expect to see me chasing after you're ass if I'm zombie.


Posted by: iliketoblowzombieheadsoff July 07, 2009 02:07 am
I play by myself in those days usually, or I find some smart players who do objectives. I haven't played for a while now so I wouldn't know anymore.

I remember playing with dorks who just kill zombies in their spawn point.. I think a few people including me were doing the objective so it was hard to go forward. Damn suitcase was placed where there's thousands of zombies, and in some instances Fred never reached any spawn points so it was hard to kill him.

Posted by: Zombie_hamster July 07, 2009 02:38 am
see, I was almost banned today on ASD2bam for killing humans. the admin who was there at the time didn't like it and so it was up to him. Also some guy wouldn't stop whining over his mic about it.

Posted by: iliketoblowzombieheadsoff July 07, 2009 04:45 am
That's just too much...
I used to also hate zombies killing human players. But I realized that it creates lots of thrill in the game.. so I don't mind anymore.

You should just not mind their whining and kill them no matter what. tongue.gif

Posted by: Security Corporate July 07, 2009 08:12 am
QUOTE (Zombie_hamster @ July 06, 2009 06:38 pm)
see, I was almost banned today on ASD2bam for killing humans. the admin who was there at the time didn't like it and so it was up to him. Also some guy wouldn't stop whining over his mic about it.

WTF. That makes zero sense. I'm an admin there and there are no rules stating against PvP. Whoever was in there was making their own rules. What admin was it? Veritas? His head is far up his ass enough to pull something stupid like that.

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