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IronOak studios forums > Suggestions / Vorschläge > Whats the purpose of

Posted by: Deth July 31, 2005 03:56 pm
I understand that the marines and barneys are the last line of defense at an ammo point, but what if they were left out of the game? I think it wouldnt matter much. And, with the npcs out of the game zombie players would have to kill survivor players and vice versa, which is all the fun in this mod imho.



Posted by: _CiviliaN^SoldieR_ July 31, 2005 04:12 pm
Hi, and welcome to the forums,

This is your first post, and your Suggestion is one of the few i agree with. wink.gif

Moved to Suggestions.

Posted by: Deth July 31, 2005 04:27 pm
Hi, and welcome to the forums,

Ohyes.. hi all. i was just checking out the HLmods and found BB yesterday, played it for a 10 hours straight (dont ask me why.. sad.gif ) and found that everybody started whining when i killed them, which made the killing all the more fun of course!


Posted by: Deth August 01, 2005 04:29 pm
But i still would like to know the purpose of those silly ai creatures called marines. Anyone?

Posted by: Keyes August 01, 2005 05:07 pm
It's for the people who feel that the whole game should be co-operative, with the player-zombies and the survivors co-existing with each other peacefully (LOL!). I was like that at one time...but then I found that taking down people who camped inside a shopping trolley on bb_slaywatch was much more fun than running at the barricade. Now my sprees of killing player zombies are met with "WTFBBQ U K1LL3D 4 PL4Y3RZ0RZ" and "BAN THE BIATCH".

Marines are just easy meat for those who haven't got the skill to take on a player biggrin.gif

Posted by: Deth August 01, 2005 05:58 pm
well.. let the "skill-less" practice and remove those npc alltogether i say!
By the way, taking down a player is quite easy... Im playing this game since yesterday and can allways grab a couple of players for my return to the light side. A bit of camping in the corners, waiting for them to pass and take my chance when they are occupied with killing the ordinary zombies cool.gif .
Does anyone know what the opinion of the Dev team is about this whole thing? Are they planning to remove the friendly npcs or not? I cant see how this game is meant to be cooperative if you make 2 different teams enemies of eachother. And like you said cooperative zombies is a foolish idea.

take out the npcs please.



Posted by: KrazyFoYou1243 August 03, 2005 12:36 pm
I can't kill a player when im a zombie... that's so mean... cool.gif

Posted by: Mic2070 August 03, 2005 01:11 pm
Move fast, and if he got a sawed-off, then RUN !

And taking out a human player is only hard when he got a sawed, benneli, flamethrower or gatling. You can't kill a human zombie with a M16 before he kills you.

Sawed-off > human zombies.

Posted by: Deth August 03, 2005 03:00 pm
You can kill a zombie with every weapon of course, but the sawed off is indeed the most effective, but lets get on topic here fellas. What do you think of those lame/good for nothing marines? Wouldnt it be a much more challenging game if there were no slow and stupid npcs that you can earn your "returnpoints" from?

Maybe make it a serverside option to put in marines or not.. isnt that a marvellous idea?? cool.gif


Posted by: Keyes August 03, 2005 05:58 pm
I think you can do that already...if you go on certain servers, there is aren't any marines, and people are like 'WTFBBQ WHERE R T3H MARINEZ0RZ OLOLOL".

Posted by: Deth August 03, 2005 06:15 pm
oh really? ill have a better look then.

Or is it a mapper thing? -Mappers not including marines when they make a bb map..?


Posted by: Keyes August 03, 2005 06:16 pm
It's a little bit of can make a map without marines, or you can switch off the marines in the map...I've seen Heavensgate without marines before.

Posted by: (4THIDUSA) SSG H. August 03, 2005 08:56 pm
no, you would have to edit the map to remove the marines, as they are entities. Some times the NPC's do not appear for soem unknown reason.

The dev's originally intended both types of play, PvP and Co-op, but didnt really fully go with the PvP style, as there is no "goal" for the zombies, and were shocked a little when servers made rules against player killing, so above all, do follow Server rules

Posted by: OneoftheLost August 04, 2005 02:46 am
*Casually strolls in*
Just another point here....
You say what is the point of those useless marines?
Some of the forum people say to help poor playa zombs who cant kill otha players out.

I personally have a different view.

When I play video games I try to get completely immersed in the story
Brainbread is based off of all those B moves that have zombies cutting loose. For those survivors, Marines were their saviors. They add to the immersion Level. Your first time playing isntead of a chopper landing and picking you up, when 6 marines jump out you really feel like the military is really sending out search parities to pick up survivors. Ect.
It boils down to the immersion level. Really feeling like your there.

Those are just my views.
Probably the only one with them.... biggrin.gif

Posted by: Mic2070 August 04, 2005 03:01 am
It's true. But most bb players seems to not understand that the marines aren't only there for zombies to come back. Damnit can't they just play the game !

Posted by: Security Corporate August 04, 2005 12:25 pm
QUOTE (OneoftheLost @ Aug 3 2005, 06:46 PM)
*Casually strolls in*
Just another point here....
You say what is the point of those useless marines?
Some of the forum people say to help poor playa zombs who cant kill otha players out.

I personally have a different view.

When I play video games I try to get completely immersed in the story
Brainbread is based off of all those B moves that have zombies cutting loose. For those survivors, Marines were their saviors. They add to the immersion Level. Your first time playing isntead of a chopper landing and picking you up, when 6 marines jump out you really feel like the military is really sending out search parities to pick up survivors. Ect.
It boils down to the immersion level. Really feeling like your there.

Those are just my views.
Probably the only one with them.... biggrin.gif

Quoted for truth.

Posted by: Deth August 04, 2005 01:29 pm

It boils down to the immersion level. Really feeling like your there.

ok thats a good point (allthough I dont feel emersed at all in this game but thats just me.) and might even be the answer i was looking for, seeing as that was the subject of this thread. smile.gif

Still I think PvsP is much more interesting than players vs npcs, and i sincerely hope the bb team will put PvsP-only-gamemode in someday or restart that line of the game. As for now, im just killing everybody.



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