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IronOak studios forums > Offtopic / Freiwild > Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

Posted by: iliketoblowzombieheadsoff December 01, 2011 02:13 am
Alright y'all, so I know I've been missing in action for quite a while. But... aren't we all?

I'm going to bring this age-old question up in these forums finally, as this matter just came up front to my mind at the moment.

I've been ignoring BF3 and been playing MW3 much more because I know the MW series better. I simply played it for the story mode, then got hooked on multiplayer soon after.
I had a rocky start with multiplayer and started to curse it for its lameness, but eventually I grew to tolerate it. I still have crappy moments here and there but hey, MW3's always been like that.

I just watched a BF3 gameplay video today, after an hour of playing MW3, and.... wow, I feel like I've been wasting my time. It looked like a much much much richer game with more team-oriented features and.... freaking destructible environments!!! The maps look much bigger, too.

So, after this, I felt that I've just been playing MW3 just because I know it more, and it's because it hooked me on modern-day shooters. And also, because I ignored the BF series and am too late on getting back into it.

Who here owns BF3? What do you think about this game? Can you compare it to MW3?

Posted by: DavidRoxZoRs December 01, 2011 10:44 pm
Oops. I did misread that. SORRY D:

As a general statement, the Battlefield games are alot more team-oriented than the Call of Duty games. It's just a fact. Battlefield 1942, 2, 2142, and the Bad Company games have all had very team-centric features, as well as more rewards for being a team player. You get more experience points towards your next rank by completing objectives as a team, or even just being in a squad.

Posted by: iliketoblowzombieheadsoff December 02, 2011 07:17 am
Sounds like my kind of game. I think I'll borrow my friend's copy when I get a chance. Been hearing lots of good things about it.

Oh, and what's wrong with knowing the MW series better? We simply just bought that game before BF.

Posted by: Shoot_me December 02, 2011 07:24 am
LOL, but didn't he just say that he knows the series better rather than saying he knows that it is better? huh.gif


I can't really say one way or the other about BF3... I stopped at BF: Bad Company 2 because of the whole origin thing. If it's similar to BF:BC2, and it probably does share a lot as far as game play mechanics; definitely very team oriented, and the areas in which you battle it out are pretty darn expansive. Generally, if you have good organized squads / entire team in BF games, you'll win just about every time even against an entire team of 1337 super awesome loners who don't work well with others. laugh.gif

Posted by: Shoot_me December 02, 2011 07:25 am
QUOTE (iliketoblowzombieheadsoff @ December 02, 2011 01:17 am)
Sounds like my kind of game. I think I'll borrow my friend's copy when I get a chance. Been hearing lots of good things about it.

Oh, and what's wrong with knowing the MW series better? We simply just bought that game before BF.


Posted by: Neiko December 02, 2011 01:17 pm
QUOTE (Shoot_me @ December 02, 2011 12:24 am)
I can't really say one way or the other about BF3... I stopped at BF: Bad Company 2 because of the whole origin thing. If it's similar to BF:BC2, and it probably does share a lot as far as game play mechanics; definitely very team oriented, and the areas in which you battle it out are pretty darn expansive. Generally, if you have good organized squads / entire team in BF games, you'll win just about every time even against an entire team of 1337 super awesome loners who don't work well with others. laugh.gif

Pretty much this.

I also have not partaken in BF3 because of Origin. It really is a terrible system, and the server browser is balls in BF3.

Posted by: iliketoblowzombieheadsoff December 13, 2011 03:27 am
OK so... the Origin thing is for PC, correct? I was planning on getting this for the PS3. Already played it, and I actually enjoyed it. It's a lot of things I'd want in a shooter.
But still, having second thoughts. :/ After the finals, things should get a little bit clearer.

Posted by: Neiko December 13, 2011 05:59 am
Pretty sure it's only on PC.

Posted by: iliketoblowzombieheadsoff December 14, 2011 03:02 am
I see.

Well my upbringing in FPS games like this was through console. I still play FPS's in PC, but not ones like these. Maybe one day I will.

Still having a hard time deciding.... I still want to buy Tekken Hybrid and Uncharted 3. :/ Dang it!!!!

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