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IronOak studios forums > Storyforum > Operation Pandora

Posted by: Jest3r April 22, 2008 02:33 am
A thin frost settled over the pond and the green bench as an owl beckoned softly from a scarred tree. The brown head twisted gently, its wise head sheltering two fierce yellow eyes. The feathered predator turned its head at each noise in the night, contemplating hunt and rest. It settled on the latter, choosing to stare at the lonesome figure approaching the bench.

The figure pulled a dark coat tighter around him as a snowflakes began to settle on his shoulder before disappearing into the black wool. His breath cut into the night, the moonlight reflecting off the vapor. With a heavy sigh he sat down on the bench and let his head sink into his arms.

A distant hushed footstep, behind the bench, sent the owl flying away into the frigid night.

The man on the bench looked to watch the creature flutter away, crossing over a brick bridge and dull park light before vanishing. “Now where are you off to?” He said with a haunted chuckle. His hands began to pat his coat pockets for something. He pulled off his gloves just long enough to grab a pack of cigarettes and tap one of them out of the carton. His mouth savored the cigarette as he lit the tip, inhaling a long drag before exhaling, letting his head tilt back to look up at the moon.

His black wool coat gradually absorbed more and more snow, sending a slight chill down his spine whenever the exterior brushed his face. Some secret echoed in his eyes; they were hollow, dark, devoid of any sense of light or joy, things long ago banished in the dark recesses of hundreds of gunshots, hundreds of screams, and a single injection. The young woman he had found in the bus station was a good candidate for the second injection. He had found a suitable candidate the day before, but the initial carrier decided to stay overnight in a local hotel instead of heading on the train to Chicago. Her tickets destined her for New York City, set to arrive around four o’clock the next day. The man simply prodded her with his umbrella, felt the liquid slip out of the concealed needle, and walked away. A murderer of hundreds, a soulless killer who took boundless violence as his modus operandi shuttered at this, his most heinous crime yet.

“It’s a cold night,” said a voice from the darkness behind the bench. The man sitting on the bench did not stir, he had heard the person when the owl darted away. Snow calmly settled upon the thin sheet of ice forming on the pond.

“I know, Number 12,” replied the man on the bench.

The approaching man laughed, “I had guessed you heard me, though I don’t know why you haven’t decided to reach for your sidearm yet. Your left shoulder is about a centimeter lower than your right, you’re packing heat, Number –”

“My name is Benjamin,” interrupted the man on the bench. Number 12 gasped lightly, shocked that he heard the actual name of one of his conspirators. “Why bother with the numbers anymore? The reports will start to flood in to local news stations any minute now. I chose to check in on the candidate I selected that stayed here in town. The hotel staff reported two maids missing. We’ll hear sirens first… you know the drill.”

Number 12 grinned, raising a pistol with a long silencer attached to the front to level on the head of Benjamin. “Sweet, sweet music,” he said, “I appreciate your confidence. Tell me one thing though, as a favor?” Benjamin nodded. “What made you pick this job as your last? Why are you on this bench?”

“I needed the rest. Besides, I didn’t leave any trail here. Congratulations on finding me, by the way. How’d you do it?”

“I’m a professional killer, how hard do you really think it was?”

Benjamin chuckled. “So, tell me,” he raised his cigarette to his mouth, taking a long drag before flicking it away, “what’s your real name?”

“My name,” a gunshot trickled through the air, made a whisper in the night by the black silencer left smoking in the wake of the bloody thud that resonated through the air as a bullet burst through the chest of Benjamin, “is Number 12.”

Benjamin remained seated, his body perfectly still as his head dropped against his chest. Number 12 walked to the left of the bench and gently pressed his fingers against his neck. No pulse. He noticed Benjamin’s left hand was resting against his right shoulder. The killer pushed the arm, knocking a small needle from the death grip. The thin needle and vile rolled down one of the slates of the bench before slipping to the ground, barely indenting the small layer of snow. “You clever bastard,” the assassin stared into the eyes of his victim, observing the slow crawl of red veins across the eyeballs, the pupils turning a dull pink. The killer stood up and fired two successive shots into the head of his mark.

The barrel of the gun smoked, tiny snowflakes darting through the powder. Number 12 carefully retrieved the shell casings from each of the shots he fired, proceeding to cover the tiny tunnels his bullets buried in the snow. The storm thickened as he stood up, snow swirling about him as he pulled his coat tighter. “You clever bastard.” In the distance, several sirens began to whine, and the crack of a rifle shot sounded from somewhere to the south. Number 12 knew what was beginning. He slowly walked away from the bloody bench, his deft feet leaving hardly a trace of their presence. A fierce wind began to blow as the man himself vanished into the cold night.

The owl returned to its original perch, its wings pushing spirals of snow away from its body as it cooed softly. Its fierce head turned to reveal its yellow eyes, staring in the distance as he heard a man walking away open a cell phone and say quietly, “I’m finished here. The infection is already spreading.”

The predator cooed softly, ruffling its feathers against the increasingly violent winds.


Any comments, criticisms, and concerns are welcome and will be responded to!

Keep reading.

Posted by: iliketoblowzombieheadsoff April 22, 2008 04:33 am
I've read it!!

Amazing... just amazing. Something you'd expect from Jest3r!!!
Thank you man, for the good story. Hope to read more!!

The opening is brilliant, I definitely like this. smile.gif

Posted by: GaMeRT1 July 07, 2008 03:10 pm
Wow no comments?
Well i think the grip of this story is undeniably strong, you opened it like a pro and you kept the need to read on constant.
Now you just need to give us the next installment so we can see if it has the same affect.
Bring it soon because i dont like waiting.

Posted by: Tanker July 10, 2008 04:05 am
Jest3r as long as you continue to write and post i will return to this site over and over to read. that was absolutely amazing in all the books ive read none have gripped me like yours do... then again i havent read many books...

Posted by: Jest3r August 16, 2008 07:51 am
GaMeRT1- Thank you for your continued support. I have not written anything for this site in a while, but I should be to test out some new ideas.

Tanker- Thank you for the compliment! I'll try to post additional scenes, I really need continuous feedback on the atmosphere and dialogue. Thank you for the reply!

I have not been writing much for this site lately, but I am trying to begin writing something to be published. I hope to be updating all of you on this within months!

Keep reading.

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