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IronOak studios forums > General Discussion > B.B:S? S.D.K. base:Source or Half-Life 2

Posted by: psychotic goth45 September 14, 2007 08:24 pm
Hi, seldom do you see me drop in to post any more but I have a question that’s be nipping at me for a wile. And that is, is Brain-Bread:Source going to be run off of Half-life 2 or S.D.K. Base:Source. because most mods such as Zombie Master, Lethal Agents, shredded sales etc. etc. are run off of S.D.K. base:Source but on the media release (WITCH ROCKED BY THE WAY) it says Half-Life 2 in the corner? So if any one who knows just respond and if it hasn’t been decided yet that’s cool to :-)

Posted by: hunter September 14, 2007 08:41 pm
Not entirely sure but i think it will be modded under hl2.

Posted by: SDWBOSS September 14, 2007 08:52 pm
I'm pretty certain the dev team will have the answer when one of their number sees this post, but I imagine it's run off Half-Life 2

Posted by: Security Corporate September 15, 2007 12:42 am

I think Bacon mentioned at one point that it was based off Half Life 2: Multiplayer.

Posted by: psychotic goth45 September 15, 2007 10:29 pm
Oh, ok thanks alot guys I'll keep a look out tongue.gif

Posted by: Craka_J October 08, 2007 04:31 am
Half-Life2: Multiplayer? Does this mean you will not be able to carry objects around such as crates, barrels, etc.? (Except with the acception of a Gravity-Gun type of weapon.)

Posted by: bacon333 October 08, 2007 04:57 am
QUOTE (Ari @ September 14, 2007 06:42 pm)
I think Bacon mentioned at one point that it was based off Half Life 2: Multiplayer.

I did?!


Posted by: mallic October 08, 2007 05:03 am
way to rez shit people >_>

Posted by: iliketoblowzombieheadsoff October 08, 2007 06:10 am
QUOTE (Craka_J @ October 07, 2007 08:31 pm)
Half-Life2: Multiplayer? Does this mean you will not be able to carry objects around such as crates, barrels, etc.? (Except with the acception of a Gravity-Gun type of weapon.)

Craka, haven't we had a talk with this? o.o

Listen next time! It doesn't matter if it's four threads down, look at the date for goodness sake!

I'm disappointed.

Posted by: Craka_J October 08, 2007 07:09 am
Last post was in "Posted: September 15, 2007 10:29 pm" before I 'bumped' this 'very old' thread.

That wasn't really that long ago. And quite frankly, I find it to be cluttering and pointless to recreate threads that can easily be recontinued pretty much in a thread that already has stuff related to what I was meaning to talk about. It makes the forums so much less organized when I create thread, after thread, after thread about stuff that can be answered in other threads without a fuss really.

I'd suggest you guys (Moderators and Administrators) create sub-forums and move some threads if necessary into the proper sub-forum to keep things more in line and simple. I apologize that this is somehow breaking the rules, for it is in fact a dumb one I must say. No need to enforce the rules of me bumping a not even half a month old thread! Jeez...

Anyway, back on topic:
Would you like to answer my simple two sentanced question? Or is that in some way too difficult for you people?

Posted by: Security Corporate October 08, 2007 07:37 am

Mallic, he's right. The thread is barely a month old. I believe the old group of moderators (I say "old" because some members like me aren't moderators anymore) agreed to certain perameters when it comes to reviving old threads:

Rule: The thread can be revived if it's under one month old. If it's older, it cannot.

Exception 1: The person doing the reviving is reviving a thread he/she made themselves.

Exception 2: The person doing the reviving is wholesomely contributing to the thread and is useful to the topic's subject.

I think that was it. Someone sticky this post in a seperate thread for great justice. ph34r.gif

Posted by: Craka_J October 08, 2007 07:41 am
Thank you for supporting my cause Ari. And at least now I know the official limit of when to revive and when not to. Now it makes more sense why and when to revive threads.
I really hope I don't revive another accidently unsure.gif

Posted by: mallic October 08, 2007 07:49 am
meh sorry didnt look at the last post just the start date >_<

and no one can answer your question but the devs so shut the fuck up, and if you make a intelligence crack again I will make your life hell (much like mine >_>)

Posted by: Craka_J October 08, 2007 08:57 am
I know the dev. team can answer my question. That is why I posted my question here in the first place! And if what you're trying to tell me is that the development team does not even visit these forums often, then there really is no use in having the forums or a website then, is there? wink.gif

And technically you can't make my life hell. The most you can do really is ban me, which honestly isn't very much of a threat, though I'd rather not be banned.

Intelligence crack? Well all crack affects your intelligence negatively. biggrin.gif

Posted by: mallic October 08, 2007 01:03 pm
Ah but I can get your ip from the forums, and then use some bit loaders to hack your computer and make jpegs of gay porn pop up whenever you login

Posted by: SDWBOSS October 08, 2007 04:32 pm
QUOTE (mallic @ October 08, 2007 01:03 pm)
Ah but I can get your ip from the forums, and then use some bit loaders to hack your computer and make jpegs of gay porn pop up whenever you login

Keep him talking Mallic, and I'll sneak round the back and hide in his kettle.

I think the question's been answered, yes?

Posted by: Craka_J October 08, 2007 07:19 pm
Your threats of hacking my PC is no threat either. It only takes thirty minutes to remove the virus, and 45 minutes to reboot the system. I don't have many important files on the PC I use so be my guest.

PS: I too am a former hacker and an I.P. address is not all you need to hack someone. wink.gif

I rather enjoy arguing on forums from time to time. Passes the time pretty well. Also, have you heard this quote before?:
Arguing on the forums is like running in the Special Olympics: Even if you win, you're still a retard.

~Craka_J cool.gif

Posted by: SDWBOSS October 08, 2007 09:34 pm
There's a pic of that in these forums somewhere...
It's a post by me but I can't find it sad.gif

Posted by: psychotic goth45 February 29, 2008 08:40 pm
QUOTE (mallic @ October 08, 2007 07:49 am)
and no one can answer your question but the devs so shut the fuck up, and if you make a intelligence crack again I will make your life hell (much like mine >_>)

WTF iz that all about!?!?!


Posted by: SDWBOSS March 01, 2008 06:49 pm
QUOTE (psychotic goth45 @ February 29, 2008 08:40 pm)
QUOTE (mallic @ October 08, 2007 07:49 am)
and no one can answer your question but the devs so shut the fuck up, and if you make a intelligence crack again I will make your life hell (much like mine >_>)

WTF iz that all about!?!?!


Just Mallic kicking off again - he does that sometimes.
It's a combination of his frustrations with life coupled with the stress and chemical imbalances of being young and inexperienced. I also suspect he does not have a secure and reciprocal attachment with a father figure. It's that damn Freud screwing us over again.
I wouldn't worry about it much, Psycho 8)

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