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IronOak studios forums > Suggestions > Day/Night?

Posted by: SDWBOSS September 10, 2007 04:56 pm
Day and night lightmaps could add so much realism to the game In my opinion. Imagine you have to hold a house for 3 days, with some very fragile lights that, once they are broken, that's it - it's flashlights for half the time.

There could be 5 minutes of day, where not a very many zombies would spawn, and tasks must be completed such as building up barricades, (a la Zombie Master's Hold the House level) or searching for guns, then 30 seconds transition to night time, where of zombies would spawn and attack the base.

What do you think?

Posted by: mrmicky September 10, 2007 08:19 pm
i like this idea however the pic OMFG too many lol. But the barricade idea is cool, i would have thought the team would nearly be complete on the gameplay side of the game though.

Posted by: SDWBOSS September 10, 2007 09:14 pm
Yep, but it can always be added by a third party on a map - I know this may seem like cheating on BrainBread, but try Zombie Master - on a particualr level they put objects in the map like trees that you can saw for wood, then put the raw wood in a cutting table, then you have a plank to stick in the barricade against the zombies tongue.gif

It's not as good as brainbread, but it's more focused on barricade building and task completion which makes it different from this mod.

Posted by: mrmicky September 10, 2007 09:42 pm
Hmmm well i'v played alot of ZM 1.1.3, im really waiting for it to be updated because its getting awfully boring. Im sure BBS won't have that problem though.
back on topic yh the barricading would be a great idea just mappers need alot of time and devotion to complete these.

Posted by: iliketoblowzombieheadsoff September 11, 2007 01:37 am
This idea kinda sounds like Dead Rising... but yeah it would seem cool.
Having the "pick up" and the "nailing" ability from Gmod...
Would also be cool if the weather just changed, much like MMOs. Lighting would be a big factor too.

Posted by: Security Corporate September 11, 2007 03:30 am

Interesting concept. But instead of limiting ourselves to the defense style maps, there should also be escape defense style maps.

Basically, you start at one end of the map, which would probably an urban area, and you have to TRY to make it to the extraction point before night falls. I know maps can't be large enough to accomodate 5 minutes of running, but see that's where the challenge comes in. If Snow makes the maps intricate enough (which he probably will) and throws in blockades and barricades such as cars and shit which you have to dismantle, then racing to the extraction will be one hell of a job.

Making it before night is not a requirement of course, but once night falls and/or during the transition, that's when the zombies start coming out in hordes and converge on your team's position.

That'd throw some excitement to an otherwise relaxed game.

Posted by: SDWBOSS September 11, 2007 08:06 am
Very niec Ari - I had a really cool image of people frantically tearing down makeshift barricades while a horde of undead closed in.

Posted by: iliketoblowzombieheadsoff September 12, 2007 12:43 am
Hell yes.. same here. It sounds exciting.(+material for my RPG waha)

You know, it's also a bit reminding me of Left 4 Dead, but hopefully brainbread source will somehow differ from that, whereas there's lots more guns and you can't be bosses.

Or another simple suggestion about day and night:

Woods Map. You will start out in the map in the beginning, where you have to reach the end of the woods before night, or it'll be hard. Course you have a map, to avoid getting lost. Plus, there's some houses and such to pick up guns/ammo, encampments to pick up supplies and such. Zombies will be randomly placed in the map..

Once it's night, and you didn't reach the edge. That's when the flashlight comes in. But beware - more zombies lurk in the woods.
It'd be hard to see in the woods. Only the moon's lighting and your flashlight will be the light on your view.

Posted by: Killerpopel September 12, 2007 03:57 pm
Great idea biggrin.gif and it`s awesome when you are in an e.g. In an Shopping center and it goes dark and Downstairs are soo much zombies that you just can jump in and shoot so much as you can xD

The idea with the forest is very very nice in the afternoon just flash & moonlight and much zombies yeay it Pwneds smile.gif

Posted by: gordon_frohman September 12, 2007 07:24 pm
QUOTE (Killerpopel @ September 12, 2007 03:57 pm)
Great idea biggrin.gif and it`s awesome when you are in an e.g. In an Shopping center and it goes dark and Downstairs are soo much zombies that you just can jump in and shoot so much as you can xD

The idea with the forest is very very nice in the afternoon just flash & moonlight and much zombies yeay it Pwneds smile.gif

get me a dictionary people ! ohmy.gif

Posted by: Waterboy September 13, 2007 02:06 pm
I really like the Idea's on this topic especially the barricade one. I could imagine a lot of good team play in those types of games. Also I like the idea of have a bit of time to prepare before the zombies spawn a bit like the calm before storm.


Posted by: gordon_frohman September 13, 2007 04:40 pm
QUOTE (Waterboy @ September 13, 2007 02:06 pm)
I really like the Idea's on this topic especially the barricade one. I could imagine a lot of good team play in those types of games.  Also I like the idea of have a bit of time to prepare before the zombies spawn a bit like the calm before storm.




Posted by: mallic September 14, 2007 11:00 am
We need turrets and barricades and jeeps and tanks lol run those bitches over

Posted by: SDWBOSS September 14, 2007 12:51 pm
QUOTE (mallic @ September 14, 2007 11:00 am)
We need turrets and barricades and jeeps and tanks lol run those bitches over

Turrets and barricades I agree with - anybody seen Alien?

You could have turrets with limited ammo that could be found in storage and set up - similar to Half-Life 2.

Posted by: Waterboy September 14, 2007 06:10 pm
QUOTE (mallic @ September 14, 2007 11:00 am)
We need turrets and barricades and jeeps and tanks lol run those bitches over

The turret idea sounds good, it would add a different element to the game being able to set up turrets. I think the only people who should be able to use or activate them are those of high levels.

Posted by: SDWBOSS September 14, 2007 08:59 pm
QUOTE (Waterboy @ September 14, 2007 06:10 pm)
QUOTE (mallic @ September 14, 2007 11:00 am)
We need turrets and barricades and jeeps and tanks lol run those bitches over

The turret idea sounds good, it would add a different element to the game being able to set up turrets. I think the only people who should be able to use or activate them are those of high levels.

Excellant point. that way you would get less "lamers" joining a server just to take down all the barricades and turrets etc then leaving (a la Garry's Mod).

Posted by: rice-boy September 14, 2007 11:11 pm
Yea, that's annoying!!!

Posted by: Zombie Assassin September 15, 2007 03:36 pm
Please dont go offtopic. This is a zombie-based community, not a "spam offtopic nonsense" community!

If you want to talk offtopic, go talk in the offtopic areas!

Ontopic, its basically ripping off dead rising. Also, zombies are still dangerous in daytime, just deadly in nighttime. Still, great idea... except how will we move things, and y will we bother, when we'll just jump up 2 a safe spot. Still, i like your thought. Pretty good. And, the lights going out = brilliant. That's a real #1 4 u mate.

Posted by: Waterboy September 15, 2007 06:07 pm
QUOTE (Zombie Assassin @ September 15, 2007 03:36 pm)
Please dont go offtopic. This is a zombie-based community, not a "spam offtopic nonsense" community!

If you want to talk offtopic, go talk in the offtopic areas!

Ontopic, its basically ripping off dead rising. Also, zombies are still dangerous in daytime, just deadly in nighttime. Still, great idea... except how will we move things, and y will we bother, when we'll just jump up 2 a safe spot. Still, i like your thought. Pretty good. And, the lights going out = brilliant. That's a real #1 4 u mate.

It would be a bit more helpful if you quoted the message that was going off topic because I was a bit confused whom you were implying too. I am not saying this to be rude its just I don’t see why any of the post deserver to be put in the off topic area.

Posted by: SDWBOSS September 15, 2007 06:14 pm
QUOTE (Waterboy @ September 15, 2007 06:07 pm)
QUOTE (Zombie Assassin @ September 15, 2007 03:36 pm)
Please dont go offtopic. This is a zombie-based community, not a "spam offtopic nonsense" community!

If you want to talk offtopic, go talk in the offtopic areas!

Ontopic, its basically ripping off dead rising. Also, zombies are still dangerous in daytime, just deadly in nighttime. Still, great idea... except how will we move things, and y will we bother, when we'll just jump up 2 a safe spot. Still, i like your thought. Pretty good. And, the lights going out = brilliant. That's a real #1 4 u mate.

It would be a bit more helpful if you quoted the message that was going off topic because I was a bit confused whom you were implying too.

I still am. blink.gif

However, I do disagree with the statement about ripping off dead rising - it would be hard not to rip off some zombie game/movie or another. For example, you could argue that including walking zombies is a rip-off of Resident Evil, but making them run would be copying 28 Days Later.

It's all a big mix of zombie-infested fun.

Posted by: Waterboy September 15, 2007 06:30 pm
However, I do disagree with the statement about ripping off dead rising - it would be hard not to rip off some zombie game/movie or another. For example, you could argue that including walking zombies is a rip-off of Resident Evil, but making them run would be copying 28 Days Later.

I agree, I don’t know why people would call it a rip-off I like to think of it as taking out the good parts of what made the film or game great. I believe Dead Rising added a new element to this game genre and other creators will look at for ideas.

Posted by: gordon_frohman September 15, 2007 10:37 pm
then after your meaning ZA..
that dead rising is the first game ,, no i meant to say first zombie based entertainment that uses barricades ?

then you are very wrong..

its not ripping off anything ,, if anything its ripping off the human instinct to make a safe haven in a territory of danger...

cave mens had their dens ,, they ( after what my education implies ) sometimes barricaded the entrance with rock and boulders ,, logs of trees.

are you implying that it was ripping off from dead rising that aswell, a game that was millions of years away..

its not ripping off with barricades ,, because its only natural , so zombieassasin..


Posted by: iliketoblowzombieheadsoff September 15, 2007 10:47 pm
Day/Night idea is a good idea. No rip-offs or anything. tongue.gif

Posted by: Zombie Assassin October 08, 2007 01:40 pm
Just don't make the transit sudden, or that will be ripping off Dead Rising.

Edit: Oh shit, I bumped. Someone delete my post please? I just realised it.

Posted by: SDWBOSS October 08, 2007 04:39 pm
QUOTE (Zombie Assassin @ October 08, 2007 01:40 pm)
Just don't make the transit sudden, or that will be ripping off Dead Rising.

More important is the fact that it would make it look a bit rubbish tongue.gif

Don't worry about bumping my thread - see the rules Ari recently posted tongue.gif

*edit* you just made it biggrin.gif

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