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> Heaven's Fall: The Awakening, Individual Story! I'll explain more.
Posted: June 24, 2007 08:48 am
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The Awakening

Well, this story will be about an old character of mine. He was the first character I used for my own fanfic when I joined these forums and started writing. Of course, most of you don't know him yet, but some people do. His name is Lenny Ranger.
He's a mall security guard, who has a boring life. Yep, sucks for him. He later becomes one of those guys who shoot things. That's right, a ... well I don't have a name for it yet. I've got so much planned on this story, that I'm so excited. biggrin.gif
Here's when he started:


So, I'll start the intro now. I never did write for a while, but here I go. laugh.gif

Heaven's Fall: The Awakening
December 31, 2008, 10:08 AM

The annoying sound of the phone quickly rang.
Lenny, who was awakened by the ringing, rose from his bed, all cranky and grumpy.
"It's new year... and I'm going to work?" he thought.

He picked up the phone.
"Lo?" he said, with a whiny tone.

"Lenny. Listen hombre, I know it's new year's eve, but we're lookin' out for trouble. Believe me, you don't want any trouble and shit goin' on at a new year? So, go suit up, it's work time Hombre. Hasta Luego, and don't forget to brush."
Lenny didn't even get to say a word.
He was angered all inside, but he knows how to keep his cool.

"I fuckin' hate work......." he said roughly, while going to the bathroom.
He took a bath, brushed his teeth, and got dressed for work.
"Well, another boring day ahead of me again..." he boringly said.

He got out, and stretched for a bit, standing there out of his porch.

"Lenny, mornin'."
Lenny looked at his right.
"Morning, Mr. Pete."

Mr. Pete was Lenny's weirdo neighbor, often bringing Lenny shotgun shells even if he doesn't own a shotgun. His reason was he had too much, and he wants Lenny to make a good use of them.

"Happy new year's eve, mate. Come, drink rum with me."
Mr. Pete always drank Rum early in the morning.
"Sorry, but I got work today. I need to drive myself."
"Aye lad, you don't know what char missin'!!"

Lenny got inside his car, and drove off. He passed by the neighborhood, and headed toward the mall.

"Hope something new comes up today."
He said to himself, while he drove.

Kinda not myself today, so whatever. I wanted to start this a while ago. laugh.gif

Current game(s): Uh uh not updatin' this no mo
Looking forward to: Some shit
Name Shortcut: Zombie, Isit, Bob(not recommended)
PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
  Posted: June 24, 2007 04:38 pm
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Frohtastic !

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well most basicly , we can use this induvidual story to upp the materials in our original fic. ;D

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Posted: June 25, 2007 01:06 am
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Yesh, good idea, that's what I'm planning to do. What's going on with lenny will be going on in the webrpg.

This post has been edited by iliketoblowzombieheadsoff on June 25, 2007 01:06 am

Current game(s): Uh uh not updatin' this no mo
Looking forward to: Some shit
Name Shortcut: Zombie, Isit, Bob(not recommended)
PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
Posted: June 26, 2007 04:23 pm
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This'll be a continuation.
I double posted so you guys can know I've updated the story, which is boring at first.

Heaven's Fall: The Awakening
December 31, 2008, 10:08 AM

A Day at Lenny's Work

Lenny, while driving, turned on the radio in his junky car.
"Let's see what's on the news."
Lenny turned the radio station to the current events.

"Good morning, Heaven's Gate!!! Today is NEW YEAR'S EVE baybehhh!!!!
Make sure to not drink and drive!! The police is swarmed today!!
In the news, Mecklenburg, our neighboring city, is at end. A weird infection spreaded into that city and formed the citizens into these, 'canibals'. We're live from Mark Spring, who's observing the city on his heli. Mark, your on!

Thanks *static* Patrick.
This city is in complete chaos. I can hear the people's cries from here. We have already sent for military help, which should be arriving right about.... oh there they are. Wait... they're under attack. They seem to be losing... wait, wait, oh no. A MISSILE IS COMING DIRECT---

Mark? Mark?? Well, I believe we have lost Mark Spring's connection.
We will have a news update soon.
On other news, today is the New Year's Eve!!! The city hall will be holding a party and while at it, a count down until it's the new year. Make sure you'll visit!! This is Patrick Hillton, and have a grand new year's eve!"

Lenny was curious. Curious about Mecklenburg.
"Mecklenburg? Cannibals? What the hell?"

Lenny kept wondering, as he drove. He was close to the mall.

Current game(s): Uh uh not updatin' this no mo
Looking forward to: Some shit
Name Shortcut: Zombie, Isit, Bob(not recommended)
PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
Posted: July 03, 2007 04:59 am
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A day at Lenny's work
December 31, 2008, 10:30 AM

Lenny finally made it to the mall, which is heavily occupied by people. It was a rare site for the parking lot.
All of the parking spaces were filled, and extra cars are outside of the mall. Nearby parking lots are also filled.
Lenny had a parking space behind the mall, who is for the workers in there.

He entered through the backdoor, and headed for the lockers. He got his batton and stungun ready, and wore his ID. His walkie talkie was hanged in his waist. He then took a photo of a someone from his locker.
"My sweet Angela..." he said in his mind, while he looked at the photo.

Once he got out of the lockers, his stout pal caught him.
"Lenny!!!" shouted the fatman.
"Oh, Erwin!" he greeted the fatman.
Erwin was a fat, sweaty man who worked with Lenny, as a Mall Security Guard. They've been together eversince Lenny was in Elementary.

"There's lots of people today, so look out! You'll never know what'll happen."
"Yeah, I know... oh hey Erwin, did you hear in the radio today about Mecklenburg?"
"Well, they were talking about zombies and how it infected Mecklenburg."
"Really? Sounds... ridiculous!! Hahahahaha. Zombies aren't real. Maybe you're still sleepy."
"UH.. yeah. No. I'm not sleepy. I'm telling you, it's true!!"
"Whatever boy. Listen, I gotta go to my block, and you go to yours!"
Erwin made a run for it, as did Lenny.
"I can't believe nobody believe this stuff. "
Lenny thought.
While he headed for his block, he saw the girl of his dreams. Angela.
He blushed heavily.
"A-Angela!! H-hey!!" greeted Lenny to the lady.
"Lenny! Hey there!"
Lenny got closer to her.
"So, uh, in about 2 hours, it's breaktime. Wanna grab a coffee with me in Buck's?"
Angela looked down a bit. "Sure... let's meet at my store."
"O-okay!!" Lenny joyously said.
Both the lovers headed to their spots, about to begin work.
I'll start again later.. kinda dizzy a bit.

This post has been edited by iliketoblowzombieheadsoff on July 03, 2007 04:59 am

Current game(s): Uh uh not updatin' this no mo
Looking forward to: Some shit
Name Shortcut: Zombie, Isit, Bob(not recommended)
PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
Posted: July 03, 2007 02:32 pm
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Frohtastic !

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idea spring in frohmans mind, yes !

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Posted: July 03, 2007 06:13 pm
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Glad to knows!!!
POST in heaven's fall you oaf!!! JK

A day at Lenny's Work
December 31, 2008, 10:40 AM

Lenny exited the scene with such excitement. All he could think about is hanging out with Angela.
After all, they do fit each other. With those striking good looks, Angela is very lucky for Lenny falling for her like that.

"What am I going to say?? Should I tell her what I feel about her?"
Lenny kept on thinking that.

He got to his spot: The Department store.
Not much is going on, but only families, mostly Moms and their Daughters, shopping for clothes.
He was walking round the place, patrolling. He never saw much trouble.

"*Yawn* Nothing much today."
He said, while patrolling.

He kept on staring his watch, waiting for the 2 hours to pass by.

"*sigh* This sucks... I can't----"
An annoying repeat of shouts interrupted his whine.
"What the..." he commented to the Shout.

Someone was shouting outside the Department store. He stepped out and saw it.
It was a man, wearing dark casual clothes, running around and shouting, with people watching him.

"IT'S THE END!!! TODAY'S THE END!!! THE APOCALYPSE FOR HEAVEN'S GATE!!! THE APOCALYPSE FOR HEAVEN'S GATE!!!!!!!! WE WILL ALL DIE!!!! DEAD COMING BACK TO LIFE, DEATH COMING BACK-----" he was interrupted by a tackle. One of the mall security tackled him.

Lenny entered the scene and carried him away.

"Somethin's wrong with this guy." said one of the Security.
"I know, let's take him to Jose." replied Lenny.

Jose was the Security Admin of the mall. He was always busy but had time to talk to his fellow security members.

Lenny and his co-worker entered Jose' office with the insane man on their hands.

"Jose, we found this guy shouting."
Reported Lenny.

Jose looked at the knocked out man.
"I see. Put him on dee chair."

Both the men placed him on the chair nearby.
Jose rised from his seat and came closer to the man.

"Hombre, wake up. Hombre..."
He kept slapping the man on the head.

The man finally woke up.

"So, hombre. What's wrong with tu?"

The man looked up.
"Apocalypse... apocalypse......" he kept repeating.

Jose looked at Lenny and the other guy.
"El es muy loco. Ustedes van afuera ahora."

Lenny and the other dude looked at him weirdly.
"Hombre, I said you all go outside now."
Lenny stopped his weird stare.
"Okay, if you say so."
He stepped outside of the office, with a curious mind once again.

He kept wondering.
"Apocalypse?? Could this connect to the Mecklenburg thing today?"

It wasn't long until it was 12:30 AM, their breaktime.

Lenny got to Buck's Lounge early. He was already there, sipping a cup of espresso and looking like a desperate man.
He kept looking at the entrance door.
At last, Angela came.

"Angela!!" he shouted. He really couldn't help it.

She immediately saw him.
She went to the seat next to Lenny, and ordered a small cup of decaf coffee.

"I'm very glad you came, Angela."
he said to her dream love.
"A lot of girls that I ask out... er, I mean ask don't show up or turn me down."

Angela smiled at Lenny.
"Oh.. that's great."
Lenny was blushing heavily.
"Hehe...." he worriedly said.

"Lenny, I've something to tell you."

Angela looked down and took a sip of her coffee.

"I already know.... that you like me. That's why I came here. To tell you that .... well... "

Lenny blushed some more and looked at her.

"I like you too."

Lenny smiled and standed up from his chair.
"I-I-I'm very happy."

Angela standed up and hugged Lenny.

"Oh.... ohhhhhh. I'm so happy."
he kept saying.

Current game(s): Uh uh not updatin' this no mo
Looking forward to: Some shit
Name Shortcut: Zombie, Isit, Bob(not recommended)
PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
Posted: July 03, 2007 09:00 pm
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Frohtastic !

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get them to go to a toilet and hump like bunny rabbits while the zombies go around and eat ! biggrin.gif wub.gif

gives me an idea where to go ,,,
just need to spring out ,
anyways , the time is 2200pm and i gotta go to bed ( yes that early ) i gotta wake up at 5am sad.gif


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Posted: July 03, 2007 09:24 pm
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Okokok, no they won't secks it up yet but I don't know when.

On the RP, go somewhere I'm NOT going to. tongue.gif

Much like this:

You= head left

I= was heading right, but got trapped and surrounded now. ph34r.gif

This post has been edited by iliketoblowzombieheadsoff on July 03, 2007 09:25 pm

Current game(s): Uh uh not updatin' this no mo
Looking forward to: Some shit
Name Shortcut: Zombie, Isit, Bob(not recommended)
PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
Posted: July 04, 2007 05:23 pm
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Frohtastic !

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yeah but the idea with a blockade is that im blocked inside there ,,, shit .

well well might as well create some art in there ....


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Posted: July 05, 2007 02:47 am
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Okokokok, just find a way out and find a way to meet me.
I'm planning Rufus to be heading towards a black ops base.
Watch out for a fat man driving a truck. OH I mentioned him in this story.
Yeah he's a bit helping out a lot of people. Mr. Pete!!!! biggrin.gif

Current game(s): Uh uh not updatin' this no mo
Looking forward to: Some shit
Name Shortcut: Zombie, Isit, Bob(not recommended)
PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
Posted: July 14, 2007 05:03 am
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(This post to alert you guys that I've updated teh Story)

December 31, 2008, 5:00 PM

After a Hard Day's work, Lenny drived back home, with a warm fuzzy feeling inside of him.

"Hopefully Angela remembers the big New Year's countdown party at the City Square today.."
he thought.

He got home, greeting Mr. Pete once again, who was chugging down Rum.

He quickly took a 2nd shower.
Once he got done, the phone rang. He picked the one nearest to him.
"Oh, Lenny. Glad you answered."
"Angela! Hey!!"
"Hey there. Listen, we're going to the big Countdown party tonight, can you make it?"
Lenny was surprised. He was going to ask her, not the other way around.
"Oh, of course of course!!"
"Great! Why don't I.. pick you up?"
"No Angela, I'll do it."
"Alright. I'll see you then."
"And, since we're together now..."
A long pause came.
"I love you."
Lenny blushed bright red.
"I-I love you too!"
They both hung up. Lenny rushed to his room and picked out his finest clothes.

He managed to look like such an eye-attraction.
Once he got done dressing up, he got to his car and cleaned it. He took out most of the junk and made the car smell good.

"Arrrrrr, what yee beh doin' there, mate?!" asked Mr. Pete, who was still sitting down out of his porch.
"Cleaning up my car. I got a date."
"Aye, good for ye matey!!!!"

Lenny finally got done and got ready to drive. He still remembered where Angela lives.

He quickly drove there on a hurry of hoping he's not late.

Current game(s): Uh uh not updatin' this no mo
Looking forward to: Some shit
Name Shortcut: Zombie, Isit, Bob(not recommended)
PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
Posted: July 15, 2007 09:44 am
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December 31, 2008, 6:32 PM

Finally, Lenny has arrived.
He was still looking good as he was, an hour ago.
Gelled Hair, Fresh Minty Breath, Good looks, his vintage buttoned long-sleeve suit, his stylish jeans, and his brown shoes. He had fine cologne to go with his good looks.

He pressed the doorbell button and waited for someone to answer.

Moments later, the door opened. It was Angela.
"Lenny! Glad you made it!"
Angela quickly hugged Lenny.
"Step inside..."

Angela took Lenny to the living room, where there were a lot of people, mostly girls.

"Hey everyone, this is Lenny."
Lenny got shy, and was looking at different places.
"This is Mina, Rochelle, and Anne. Oh and that's Butch on that corner."
Lenny threw out his right hand and shaked each of the ladies' hands.
"Nice to meet you all."
Butch was the only one who wasn't too interested.
Lenny just waved at him.


They talked a little while and got ready to leave.
"It's very nice to meet you, Lenny." complimented Rochelle.
"Your such a lucky gal, Angela!" said Mina. "Oh... thanks Mina.." replied Angela.

They all made laughs and got along with Lenny so quickly.

Current game(s): Uh uh not updatin' this no mo
Looking forward to: Some shit
Name Shortcut: Zombie, Isit, Bob(not recommended)
PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
Posted: August 04, 2007 04:33 am
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Wow it's been a while, huh?

Ok I'll update this, finally.
I'm into writing again, well a little bit.

So Far...

Lenny and his new girlfriend, Angela, along with her friends, enjoy the night party in the Middle of Heaven's Gate.
What's happening in Mecklenburg is really acting up.....

The whole city is under crisis.
A virus has spreaded throughout the city, killing innocent people, and revivng them again, but into flesh-hungry monsters.
This was widely exposed in the neighboring city of Mecklenburg, Heaven's gate, in January 2, 2008.

January 2, 2008, 10:45 AM

"Mecklenburg. A city of Zombies? The whole city has been infected by some type of virus, suspect unknown. Is this the end of Mecklenburg?"

Lenny was sitting at his sofa, sipping a cup of coffee.
"Eek, pretty bad."

"The Military had spreaded throughout the city to control and hopefully sterilate this city. We are here live with S.W.A.T Commander Duke Anthony.
Duke, welcome."

"Glad to be here, Matthew."

"Duke, what has happened with this city, when the virus broke out?"

Duke and his men were stationed in a destroyed building, preparing to defend it from the dead.

"Well ..... it had started somewhere, we don't really know.*static* Slowly, murder reports kept coming day to day, until it had concerned our Mayor.
Our population decreased in half until that day, when a sighting of a 'Cannibal Riot' was reported in *static* one of Mecklenburg's Streets. They said the members of the riot are pale, and had spilled *static* blood onto their clothes.

They said people were devoured, mutilated and such. They also noticed that some of them were the murder victims, and they appear to be alive. This concerned us even more. We were sent there to check on it.

It was... *static* bizzarre. They didn't understand a word we said, so we opened fire. Nothing stopped them. They were like hungry monsters. They killed most of our members.
We couldn't do anything.

So the riot grew worse. They grew and had killed most of the people here, until this day. It's a wasteland now."

Lenny was indepthly listening. So as the reporter.

"I see.....
When did the infection start?"

A delayed response, then,

"It was in....."

A crashing sound was heard over the camera and mic.
Then loud growls followed by, then gunshots.

The connection vanished.

"Commander Duke? Are you there?"
A few moments of silence.
"Well, it appears that our connection to Duke has been lost. We will update soon after these messages."

There was a shock to Lenny's face.
He couldn't believe what he was hearing after that.

Current game(s): Uh uh not updatin' this no mo
Looking forward to: Some shit
Name Shortcut: Zombie, Isit, Bob(not recommended)
PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
Posted: August 24, 2007 05:05 am
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Woo, very sorry for the no-updates, but I was thinking of dumping this one. I bet nobody even reads it. unsure.gif
Ahwell, I just write for the fun of it.

January 5, 2008, The Day before the Infection

So far, as the story went, Lenny and his life grew more and more exciting.
His relationship with Angela had been better than usual, his life was great.
Weird things happened in his job, though.

One time, when Lenny came to work, he was suddenly engaged with some sort of "Cult" advertising something in the mall.

One hooded man, face covered, all in a white robe, with an insignia of a Grave and a hand sticking out of it.


A whole lot of people gathered around the Announcer, while his fellow cultmen held back the mall security.

Finally, the police back up came, and had ended the commotion.

A policeman in a megaphone got ready to announce something.

"Please resume what you've been doing... don't listen to this man. All he says is bullcrap."

Course there were children around.

"Goodbye now, get out. Please."

The gatherers slowly went away. This man seems to be bad at doing this, but fended off the crowd anyway.

Jose sneaked up to Lenny, who was watching the whole thing.
"Hola, hombre. That was nothing. Quieres a day off?"

Lenny looked at Jose.
"Uh... what for? I need to work."

"Don worry, hombre. I got you covered. You've worked too hard for me. Mucho. Besides, your muchacha Angela isn't here."

Lenny agreed. He left his shift with a day off.


While Lenny drove back home, he sensed that someone's watching him. He looked around and saw no one.

Once he got home, he took his jacket away and listened to his voicemail. There were two. One was Angela's, saying to him that he loves him so much, and one's from an unknown caller.

"Lenny.... we will need you. Tommorrow's the day. Get ready."

Lenny felt a chill in his spine. He tried calling back but nothing came up.


A few hours passed. It was finally night. Lenny did his errands and finally stayed home. He turned the T.V on and watched the news.

"Good Evening, Tonight on the news, a missile had been launched into Mecklenburg, destroying the whole city. The Mecklenburg mayor had approved this, and his actions are still unknown at the time.
The 'infected' citizens of Mecklenburg had finally been killed, and the Military had rescued a few survivors. It has been Ended. More upcoming stories and info from the survivors who had made it out, after these messages."

Lenny was relieved that the hellish tragedy at Mecklenburg ended. All he feel sympathy for is the citizens who died.

What he didn't know... is that a new infection will start. A new awakening will take place.

This post has been edited by iliketoblowzombieheadsoff on August 24, 2007 05:18 am

Current game(s): Uh uh not updatin' this no mo
Looking forward to: Some shit
Name Shortcut: Zombie, Isit, Bob(not recommended)
PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
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