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> Brainfed : Updates, Wip..., Main topic
Posted: January 15, 2006 07:59 pm
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Doom Trooper

Group: Old BB:S Betatesters
Posts: 1112

Joined: July 29, 2005

Ok, this topic's purpose is to be the main Brainfed topic.

Yeah, brainfed. I suggest we keep that name to remember it all started as a joke, and that it could finish as one too, and also to say we're not BB: source Yet.

Also, I would say I'll apply as Game//Level designer, and maybe in a near future, coder.

I had some ideas about Bf's game play (No, not battlefield; hell, let's call it BfD)

-Keep the exp system, maybe add some things.

-Evolutive inventory : Exemple : You start with a holster, you can pick up a handgun, but not 2. To get 2 handguns or duals, you would need to get a second holster.
need some info on how to manage larger guns.

-Equipment weight (maybe) : The more and larger guns you pick, the slower you are. (As in the specialists)

-Melee. I thought about a "kick" key, which could be used as a escape-from-a-zombie-surrounded-position attack, AND of a melee weapon stock attack AND of melee weapons.
You could kick a zombie, hit another with the back of your shotgun and blast the first one in less than 3 seconds.

-Virus antidote ? Players could find//have Some antidote on them, and could use it on people about to transform.

-No tank : This was weird in bb, and sometimes annoying.

-Multiple zombie types : Regular, dog, military(stronger) fred ?

-Chainsaw !

-Cooperative special stunts : a player could throw another to help him climb something, could take his hand and get him out of reach of zombies etc...

-Ammunition exchange : Special type of ammo for special effects (incendiary rounds,

That's all I can think about for now, may add some ideas later.

This post has been edited by Mic2070 on January 15, 2006 10:11 pm

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Posted: January 15, 2006 08:16 pm
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Last hope of Mankind

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I really like some of your ideas. An antidote would be awesome, you would have to look around for an antidote potion to stop yourself or someone else from turning into a zombie. Yes, we all would love to see a chainsaw in the game. Melee attacks, sounds good. A zombie dog would be awesome, but also kind of freaky, in that they make growling noises and can run fast. If zombie dogs were put into the game, I'd like it if they weren't in every map, OR, you could make it in the server options in the create game section that ability to put in the number of zombie dogs you want in the map, just like how you are able to put in how many zombies you want. If there are many different types of zombies, you should make that option in the create game section, being allowed to put in how many numbers of the different types of zombies you want in the game. Or if you dont want to put in the numbers, you could select random, or select how many there were intended to be in the map.

Different ammunition. Like having tracer bullets so you can see them, or even making it so if you get a lot of kills or you have good stats, you have the option of choosing what color you want the tracer bullets to be. Probably wont happen, just because it would require a lot of programming. You already can have tracers in BrainBread if you type something with mp_tracer or sv_tracer or something in console, but they don't look that great.

Zombies: What about a two headed zombie? That would be hilarious. The zombies do mutate, so you could make it so a zombie could have like 4 arms and 3 legs or something. Zombie dogs, zombie monkeys (Allowing them to climb stuff).

Weapon Addons: This was asked for in the original Brain Bread, and was denied, so I'm guessing it won't happen in BrainFed either, but whatever. How about Laser sites, so you are able to aim easier? Silencers won't do anything accept make the gunshots sound silent, but that won't affect how the zombies react, unless someone programs that, which would take a lot of work. What about bayonnets for the rifles? And the secondary fire would be thrusting the bayonnet forward?

This post has been edited by CoolDude on January 15, 2006 08:18 pm


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Posted: January 15, 2006 08:49 pm
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Doom Trooper

Group: Old BB:S Betatesters
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Zombies: What about a two headed zombie? That would be hilarious. The zombies do mutate, so you could make it so a zombie could have like 4 arms and 3 legs or something. Zombie dogs, zombie monkeys (Allowing them to climb stuff).

Yeh, some of those zombies would be cool, but the animations, how to animate a 3 legged zombie ?

Weapon Addons: This was asked for in the original Brain Bread, and was denied, so I'm guessing it won't happen in BrainFed either, but whatever. How about Laser sites, so you are able to aim easier? Silencers won't do anything accept make the gunshots sound silent, but that won't affect how the zombies react, unless someone programs that, which would take a lot of work. What about bayonnets for the rifles? And the secondary fire would be thrusting the bayonnet forward?

Silencers ? What for ? xD But I agree with you, addons would be freaking cool.
But also damn hard to code. I'm thinking of a deus-ex like inventory.

If zombie dogs were put into the game, I'd like it if they weren't in every map

Yeah, we'll have to think about them, I would make them act like player zombies from bb, somewhat fast, not too difficult to kill, but challenging though.

if you get a lot of kills or you have good stats, you have the option of choosing what color you want the tracer bullets to be.

Good idea. "Skill" stat making cool effects on bullets if >10 or something like this ?
Combos ? (Chaining zombie kills would make your bullets make more damage, or something like this, I'm thinking of ps2's shinobi)

Oh and I have to tell something about the kick, it would slow you down (ever ran while kicking people ?) but it would throw the zombie you're aiming at a few feets away, or less, making it fall down.

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Posted: January 15, 2006 09:19 pm
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QUOTE (Mic2070 @ Jan 15 2006, 08:59 PM)
Yeah, brainfed. I suggest we keep that name to remember it all started as a joke, and that it could finish as one too, and also to say we're not BB: source. We're not ironoak. This isn't the same team, This won't be the same game.

I guess we could call it the spiritual succesor of BB.

If so, we don't support your mod... and you don't have the possibility to use the name "BrainBread" anymore... that's the deal. We're searching for a small subteam of Ironoak which may be also involved in our first project. The idea is to support and develop talented people and merge those teams at the end. BrainBread is still in the community focus, but IronOak is busy while creating the other project... although we want to create a real BB:S! You're free to create your own zombie mod (that's for sure), but without the advantages we would offer. If you want to design a true BB:S you've to work with us... sorry, but we're not that silly. BrainBread is our mod and it's based on our ideas. wink.gif We build this baby up and we want to create a BB:S together with some new modding talents. That's all. Thanks.

PS.: Oh yes... and we will select the team which will develop the official BB:S

>> "Sie bildeten junge Männer aus Bomben auf ihre Häuser zu werfen; aber sie verboten ihnen das Wort FUCK auf ihre Maschinen zu schreiben... weil es obszön ist. - FREI ZITIERT NACH F.F.COPPOLAS APOCALYPSE NOW" <<

Leader Staff - IronOak Studios:
"PERSONAL ONLINE PORTFOLIO" http://www.ironoak.ch/MM
"PE - THE DARK FUTURE" http://www.ironoak.ch/PE
"BRAINBREAD - MUNDUS VULT DECIPI" http://www.ironoak.ch/BB
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Posted: January 15, 2006 10:08 pm
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Doom Trooper

Group: Old BB:S Betatesters
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Joined: July 29, 2005

Oh sorry, my bad.

I misunderstood what you've said, now I understand.
I thought you would just support a bb :source mod, but now, as I'm re-reading the posts, it's clear.

So you want too add people to ironoak to make bb:source, while the main team is busy.
I thought you weren't going to dev bb source, I was wrong.

I'm interested, and though I don't have the skills to do it now, I'll learn.
I think we might call this project "Brainfed", and if it works, get it to an official "Brainbread : Source" status with all the über benefits

If anyone assembles a team and works on a BB source port that fits our quality standard we'll give them admin rights for the BB site and a forums section. Additionally we would promote the mod using our existing PR connections and contact Valve for possible official support. This new team could also get a share of the advertisement income. We give you full permission to use the official Brainbread-content and materials. You could create a game with good reputation! The only condition is, that we (IronOak) have the right to influence and support that mod as official mod leaders (next to the official team leaders of the new BB mod team). Perhaps we'll even merge the teams for further projects... everything is possible!

it would come with.

Thanks for the offer, and I wish to all of us great success in our projects biggrin.gif

[Editing first post]

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Posted: January 15, 2006 10:12 pm
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Yes. You got it. wink.gif

We want to improve the skills of talented people and share our experience with them... and our main goal would be to merge those teams and work together on further (commercial) projects. wink.gif

>> "Sie bildeten junge Männer aus Bomben auf ihre Häuser zu werfen; aber sie verboten ihnen das Wort FUCK auf ihre Maschinen zu schreiben... weil es obszön ist. - FREI ZITIERT NACH F.F.COPPOLAS APOCALYPSE NOW" <<

Leader Staff - IronOak Studios:
"PERSONAL ONLINE PORTFOLIO" http://www.ironoak.ch/MM
"PE - THE DARK FUTURE" http://www.ironoak.ch/PE
"BRAINBREAD - MUNDUS VULT DECIPI" http://www.ironoak.ch/BB
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Posted: January 15, 2006 10:57 pm
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civilized d00d

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It sounds better to me. I didn't want to spend time mapping or modelling to not gain a Coder, which in end will make the mod fail.

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Posted: January 15, 2006 11:59 pm
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Zombie Hunter

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QUOTE (_CiviliaN^SoldieR_ @ Jan 15 2006, 10:57 PM)
It sounds better to me. I didn't want to spend time mapping or modelling to not gain a Coder, which in end will make the mod fail.

yeah this is true, ive skined half a zombie for the mod, and done a web layout for the site also

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Web Site Coming Soon

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Posted: January 16, 2006 12:44 am
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QUOTE (Mic2070 @ Jan 15 2006, 11:08 PM)
I think we might call this project "Brainfed", and if it works, get it to an official "Brainbread : Source" status with all the über benefits it would come with.

yeah thats true as well... Do as you wish, either apply as described in the news, or build BB:S with your own team under a different name and show us the result for the mentioned über benefits happy.gif

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