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> Yet Another Story With Forum Members!, Please read. -NOT DEAD YET!
Elite viking
Posted: February 18, 2005 09:04 pm
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Veteran Lord Carnage

Group: Old BB:S Betatesters
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Damn, im way too kind to you. Here's another piece of the story.

Everyone, there has been a security breach. Some clones have gotten raving mad, eating whatever they find. Either run like hell out, or find the briefing room somewhere behind me!

Nikku was running up the corridors, screaming out while aiming his Socom Mk23s at people in a cool way. The men in lab-coats obeyed, running around, looking for an exit or a briefing room. He stopped one of the men, who looked more calm than the others.

I knew this was going to happen I knew it he whispered to himself over and over again.

Hold it there. Do you, by any chance, know where a phone to some military chief is? Is there one at all, in case of hell breaking loose?

What? Oh yes, the emergency phone Its a couple of doors down here, to the left, with a sign on it. You wont miss it. But, what is really going on? Ive heard gunfire and yelling Is the apocalypse really coming?

Nikku stared bewildered at him.
Whaddaya mean apocalypse? All I know for sure, is that a classified kill gas project went wrong, reviving dead instead of killing living. They are, if you believe what some people say, dumb as is they had bread for brains. Thats not all good. They have only most primary instincts left, as feeding. Since were plentiful, thats what they go for around here. If you see one, try to smash the brain, nothing else works.

Ok take care.

Nikku barely noticed the badge on the mans shoulder, before he turned and began to run. That phone was important.

Behind him, the guy with the badge DarknessGlams went over to two-three others standing in a group. When he got over there, everyone bowed to him, obviously respecting this European-looking, serious man with a navycut.

The project failed. It does opposite of what we wanted to. We have to stop it, now with an obvious Russian accent. Everyone nodded, saying Da.

Get the guns.

This room is restricted to Class B Clearance. Please, stand away from the door or security will be-


Th I s. DooR. Rest Rictudd. Permiss I on. Grante WHIRR KRKKTH

The door fell apart from Nikkus Mini Uzi fury. He ran in, found a small table with a silver phone on it. He punched a button saying Quick-call Head of CleanUp Crew.
That cleanup part didnt sound too good, but it was better than nothing.

Ess Gee Tee (Sgt.) Immoral here, yes?

Look, we have a big problem here down in Ohio-I mean, Heavens Gate. Things are falling apart fast down here, I suspect at least a hundred of us have become them

What do you mean, them?

Undead, sir. Bodies reanimated, searching for flesh. I know its weird as hell, dont have time to explain, I suggest that you get as many-

Dont suggest anything. Itd probably be stupid. So lets save some time, and let me handle the suggestions, all right? I am probably way longer up in the ranking than youll ever dream of becoming, and thats mostly because of my ability to cut the crap and get things done without having to back up every damn suggestion low-life scum like you make. Ill be fair, and send a squad down there to keep things intact. And you better not be shitting me.

A squad? How many is there in one of those, 6? Send a damn platoon over here! We have to evac the area, and then bomb the living daylights out of the Lab.

The sergeant had hung up, leaving Nikku alone in the dark room.

You bastard.

This post has been edited by Elite viking on August 08, 2005 07:54 pm
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Posted: February 18, 2005 09:41 pm
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I'm On A Boat

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lol! laugh.gif tis cool cool.gif

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Posted: February 19, 2005 04:06 am
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Zombie Hunter

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this is awesome!! i nearly fell out of my chair laughing when i read the converstaion between him and the russian seargeant.

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Elite viking
Posted: February 19, 2005 01:51 pm
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Veteran Lord Carnage

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He aint russian. Look at his name..... smile.gif
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Posted: February 19, 2005 03:01 pm
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Real zombie Nemesis

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hmmm I thought i was Russian. I'm getting confused but... yay my characters been introduced. Can't wait for the next part.

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Posted: February 19, 2005 03:03 pm
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Real zombie Nemesis

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Yay my characters been introduced. Can't wait for the next part.

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Elite viking
Posted: February 19, 2005 03:12 pm
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Veteran Lord Carnage

Group: Old BB:S Betatesters
Posts: 2471

Joined: December 16, 2004

Another part.
Fort Baxter, Heavens Gate
Sargeant Immoral Sniper sat up from his desk, thinking about the call.
Undead roaming around in a lab The man had obviously snapped.
But, that lab was incredibly important. He would have to send a Squad out there, if nothing else, to get rid of that maniac. He flicked a button on his desk, triggering a mic in the office to distribute his voice all over the base.

Listen up. Heavens Gate lab 01 is believed to be under attack by unknown enemy forces. I want Charlie team to suit up and get to the helipad within 5 minutes. Pack for a light assault mission, with medical supplies and nutrition for one day.

He hadnt heard of Heavens Gate labs before, but a 01 lab was always where the most classified stuff was researched.
Hell, here he got a call from someone who didnt even give a name, but calls for backup.

Hed better be right, or else Ill have his head on a stake by evening, Immoral grumbled. He was still angry that someone actually had suggested something. Everyone with B clearance should know that Sniper handled the thinking. He was sergeant by 19 for a reason.

(Like many others, Immoral has gotten altered by the matrix. He wasnt really an Sgt., but he had gotten a bit up on the ladder)

All Right pussies, five minutes to get suited up! Move move move!

Grey Snake was still confused. Why in Hell was he suddenly a special soldier? He had always wanted to, but he had never passed the tests.
Hed better grab his gear. He had seen it in a lot of movies and on the training camp, how the Full body combat vest was clicked on, how many clips you took for a one day mission and the like.

He ran in, together with the others. Everyone went first over to the lockers, where Grey found his one relatively quick. First, he took a Kevlar vest. Then, he jumped into some trousers, and zipped on the utility belt. He then stepped into a pair of nice, big boots.
Now was time to get to the arms cage. He first checked the list of arms.

Lets see M4, Tavor, SPAS-12, M129, MP5

He went for a silenced MP5 loaded with 10 mm standard ammunition, together with a flashlight. He took a total of eight clips.

As a secondary, he loaded a standard Beretta.
For grenades, he chose some standard M82 Frag Grenades. Ready to roll.

Lastly, he pulled on the combat Vest with even more Kevlar sewn in. He noticed a small badge on his shoulder, saying Charlie Leader Grey Snake. So he was a leader. Cool. He knew that as leader, he had to pack some ammo for his fellow team members, so he grabbed a box of 7.62 Full Metal Jacket ammo (100 shots, about 1.5 kilos) in his backpack, which already had some liters of water. Phew, it got a bit heavy, all that.

All done packing, ladies? Well then, get over to the Helipad!

Everyone quickly ran over to the chopper, and got in.
It was a standard BlackHawk attack helicopter, with one Minigun and room for eight.
They all took a seat, except for a guy with the tag UnDead Duck who took place behind the turret.
Now, Grey looked at the others. They totalled at 6 units, all armed with different weapons. One had a Berett M1245 Sniper rifle, another the standard scoped M16, one a USAS-12 Automatic shotgun, the squad medic had an Uzi with laser pointer and scope, one the M4 Colt Commando, and lastly (Grey) the MP5. Everyone was stuffed with clips and shells.

Its a real overkill to send us down to that lab, the medic said, Probably some nut shooting a little in the offices.

Yeah, the others mumbled.

Little did they know.

This post has been edited by Elite viking on August 08, 2005 07:56 pm
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Posted: February 19, 2005 04:50 pm
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Zombie Hunter

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Joined: January 20, 2005

this is getting goooood!!! keep up the good work man!

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Posted: February 19, 2005 08:28 pm
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Real zombie Nemesis

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Joined: January 13, 2005

looks good...

Cant wait till ya introduce me... heheheeh

When theres no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth...

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'They say people dont believe in heroes anymore... Well im going to give them back their hero."
PMEmail Poster
Posted: February 20, 2005 12:48 am
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I'm On A Boat

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smart stuff cool.gif

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Elite viking
Posted: February 20, 2005 02:06 pm
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Veteran Lord Carnage

Group: Old BB:S Betatesters
Posts: 2471

Joined: December 16, 2004

Okay. Here comes a pretty emotional part. This is a sad part, as Grey looses a lot.

All right, LZ is two minutes away! You better make sure all guns are loaded this second, or youll regret it on the ground!

Grey played the slightly angry commander barking out commands like there would be no tomorrow. He ran his tests too, cocking the beretta, chambering a round into the barrel of the MP5, making sure the pins were on for all of the Fragmentation Grenades.

Ok, LZ one minute away! Prepare for fastrapelling down!

Yes, sir. Everyone stood ready.

Sir, picking up unknown object towards our direction fast! Its- Shit, weve got a full battery of Stingers locked on! We have to get out! The pilot screamed, fear flashing in his eyes.

So the godamn Lab had defenses, eh? And no one had bothered turning them off, even not for their rescue team.

Uh Undead, Medic and Wilkinson! Get out the rope!

The three hurried over to the crane, and pressed the right buttons. The steel wire shot out, and reached the ground.

Hurry! Get down! Now!

Grey pushed the men over there, and hurried over to the pilot to unstrap him. As leader, he had to set the team before own safety.

Shit! Captain, the belts stuck! Oh God no I dont want to die

The pilot panicked, jerking from side to side in his seat. The instruments on the chopper were beeping madly, indicating that at least 15 stingers were less than ten seconds away.
The sniper was on his way down the wire, followed by Undead Duck.

Come on! Hurry up! Grey Snake was screaming to Duck, while trying to open up the pilots belt.

The first stinger hit.

For Grey, time almost stood still around him. He saw the glass in the cockpit slowly shatter from the frontal hit, thousands of shards coming towards him. All the same, the whole chopper shook violently. He slowly heard the screams of Undead, as he lost grip of the wire when he still was eight meters above the surface.

Grey propelled himself backwards, sensing he heat from the explosion all around him, and blinded by the smoke. Amidst all of the noises, he could distinct a thwack as the glass went straight trough the pilot. His team was narrowing down fast.
His squad had all but one fell off the chopper, with the medic still aboard holding tightly at the wire. Get down NOW! Grey yelled as high as he could to deafen out the sounds of ten more stingers, less than five seconds away. He grabbed the man around his waist, and jumped out of the burning inferno, barely holding the wire.

He fell downwards, almost burning off the hand that held the rope. He landed hard at the ground, avoiding the body of Undead. It lay still, in an awkward position with the spine standing right out of his body armor.

Take cover! Grey started to yell out to the last two survivors, when...
The stingers annihilated the chopper, sending a hell of bits and shards of the chopper down towards the three of them in a scaring speed.
The medic reacted first, throwing himself over Grey snake, grabbing the Dead Duck (I know I shouldnt be making bad jokes in such an intense momentJust had to smile.gif) and throwing it over the Sniper, who had landed without more than a few bruises.

No! the leader screamed at the top of his lungs, as the man, in an attempt to save his captain, used himself as a body shield.

The medic suddenly began having spasms, slowly saying Ugh. Ggrgl h..
Grey, at first, didnt realize what it was, but then, when the medic shook even more, accompanied with thwack thwack thwackwack he knew.
The poor guy was getting filled with shrapnel, shot into him at many hundred kilometers an hour.

Grey Snake began crying like mad, screaming out Noo! No God NO WHYY!, hearing nothing but the explosions and screams over and over again.
Hell has just given him a taste of what he would go trough.

This post has been edited by Elite viking on August 08, 2005 07:58 pm
PMEmail Poster
Posted: February 20, 2005 03:08 pm
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Real zombie Nemesis

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Joined: January 22, 2005

Now that was cool.

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Posted: February 20, 2005 03:13 pm
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I'm On A Boat

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dude... cool.gif

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Posted: February 20, 2005 05:29 pm
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Zombie Hunter

Group: Members
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Joined: January 20, 2005

that was awesome, but the first stinger probably would have knocked the chopper out of the sky, awesome part though.

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Elite viking
Posted: February 20, 2005 06:22 pm
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Veteran Lord Carnage

Group: Old BB:S Betatesters
Posts: 2471

Joined: December 16, 2004

Heh.. top of the story. From now, I can't possibly live up to the expectations... tongue.gif
Funny... A lot of comments, but the ammount of read is rather low. I'd like people to say what I can change, and yes yes yes... We'll get to the blasting soon. Dont worry Radman, the infection will spread into the city, so prepare for your tour of duty wink.gif

This post has been edited by Elite viking on February 20, 2005 07:12 pm
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