
The Old House version 1.0 - by Jahzel

Trapped inside an old house once belonging to legendary Delta Blues Guitarist, Robert Johnson,
your only hope is to kill off as many Zombie hordes as you can in order to escape.

(First release, changes necessary)

Download: The Old House.rar - 3'151 KB.


Posted by Neiko on 2006-02-17 13:41
Pretty fun map. Nice job! Looking foward to the next release. The only bug I found, is that if you try and throw a gas can inside the house (except the basement) The gas can clips on to you. Meaning you can throw it, only it clips onto you, then you pick it back up.

Posted by mitchell lawless on 2006-02-19 22:57
That is a bug.

Posted by Jahzel on 2006-04-12 17:34
Hmmm, I aint too sure how to fix that but I'll try. Maybe in the next version I'll make the place much bigger and easier to move aound.

I'm looking forward to making more maps for Brainbread, I've been pretty busy working lately so I havent had much chance.

Posted by st34lth on 2006-09-01 03:55
um is this the map where the zombies break the boarded up windows to get in?

Posted by Desi Resi on 2007-01-02 20:49
I have'nt played this map but was'nt Robert Johnson the guitarist who they said did a pact with the devil?

Posted by J on 2007-03-27 13:40
Yes that's correct

Posted by TACO on 2007-07-24 01:26
is this for source or for origninal hl?

i think its for hl but not sure

Posted by TACO on 2007-07-24 01:26
nvm....its for hl, my bad for being a dumb nigga

Posted by Jahzel on 2008-02-06 18:30
Yeah - original HL.

P.s. All the 'Robert Johnson' stuff - I don't know why I wrote that, it seemed like a silly idea at the time...

Posted by Miguel_Umbrella on 2009-07-22 01:57
Debe estar bueno el map pero me gustaria q me digan como jugar por INTERNET porq no hay servers.... o es q se necesita algo.

diganme por favor como se puede jugar online.
please please please i will kill zombieees

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