
General Information:

In this section you'll find user submited custom maps. If you want your map to be listed here please use the following link: > Submit a map <
It will be displayed here as soon as an admin has approved it.
If you've allready submited a map (or someone submited a map under your name) and want to edit it's details (description, screenshot, etc.) you can do so on here: > Edit your maps <

List of custom BB maps:
* = Official user campaign

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Mapname | Comments Mapfile Author Added
Zombie Fair Ground 1.08bd_zfg_CiviliaN^SoldieR_2005-Feb-20
Zombie Fair Ground 2.021bb_zfg_27_CiviliaN^SoldieR_2005-Feb-26
Vertville 0.514bb_vertville(4THIDUSA) SSG H.2005-Feb-04
Urban Frontier 1.016bb_urbanBlue Summer2005-May-03
The Winchester Pub 1.456bb_winchesterZuwahmbi2005-Feb-20
The Reactor 1.018bb_reactorShoot_me2005-Apr-03
The Old House 1.010bb_the_old_houseJahzel2005-Nov-10
The Crash 0.824bb_thecrashJesus Fu2005-Apr-13
The Bunker 1.1c20bb_bunker2Shoot_me2005-Mar-10
* Termoil 1.04bb_uc1_chp9_termoilJez2005-Jan-31
surf swift 1.02bb_surf_swiftunknown2007-Apr-26
Streets 0.121Streets.bspBlack Shadow2005-Mar-16
Street 1.012bb_streettoob2005-May-14
Stalingrad 0.315stalingrad_beta_3klink2005-Aug-10
ssfso_zombieassault 1.05ssfso_zombieassaultĞ @ b ® Ī ë Ł //2005-May-14
Small Barricade 1.1c24bb_small_barricadeBlack Shadow2005-Feb-17
* SinCity 1.06bb_uc1_chp2_sincityGCN_Aba2005-Jan-31
Siege RC 114bb_siegeShoot_me2005-Nov-21
Sandcastle 1.02bb_SandcastleMeNtOsMaN2007-May-05
resident evil police department 10.049police_con10OMEGA5.12005-May-14
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Imprint Gameplay Zealots